A Mom Creating Memories

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hi All,

Well I finished organizing all my digital scrap items and I have been scrapping like crazy to catch up on my layouts. I am also excited as we just got a new DSLR camera. It is the first time Ive used a DSLR...so I am trying to figure out all the settings on it :-) Hopefully I will be able to take some really good pictures by Christmas for my layouts :-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting Organized

I discovered a cool program called ACDSee that allows you to catagorize all your scrapbooking files so you can actually find things! I first started out organizing with my PSE 5 Organizer...but what a waiste of time! It was so slow, and I hadn't gotten through all the files. I ended up switching mid-organizing.

There are some great sites for finding info:

(the forums are good too)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New items in the store :-)

Hi All,

I am happy to announce that I have added some new items to my Etsy storefront! I have adorable big sister to bee and big brother to bee shirts, personalized big brother and big sister shirts, personalized "EST" baseball hats for toddler and infants and also some new applique shirts. Please keep checking as I have new items being added all the time.

Also, if you have any ideas of items that you would like...please feel free to contact me as I would be happy to work with you to create a one of a kind gift for your little one!


Monday, October 27, 2008

New Etsy Storefront

Hi Everyone,

I am happy to announce that I have started an Etsy storefront for my baby embroidered items! This is where I will showcase my custom creations. Each item is handmade by me and can be personalized with a design and name. They make great gifts for a new baby, baby shower or birthday.

If you have anything special that you are looking for, please email me and I would be happy to work with you to create a one of a kind gift!

Thank you,

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Pop your Photos

I found this really great post on how to make your photos pop. It deals with opacity and layers and gives you some great ideas...check it out!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Just a quick hello today. We are on vacation in Michigan and having lots of fun! The weather here is great and my oldest went tubing for the first time today!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quick Tip #3 - Removing an element from your picture

Lets say you have an element in your picture that you do not want. You can use the clone stamp to remove it.

All you do is select the clone stamp tool then hit alt and click what you want to stamp over your picture and then "erase" your image. So if your picture was taken outside and you want to stamp over your element with grass...do the alt click on the grass then erase your image.

Quick Tip #2 - List of PSE Shortcuts

I am starting a list of PSE Shortcut keys for quick reference...as sometimes I forget :-) This list will continue to grow as I learn more.

Cntrl N - Creates a New File
Cntrl O - Opens a Existing File
Cntrl Z - Undo
Cntrl Y - Redo
Cntrl D - Deselect (this is helpful to get rid of the selection or marching ants)

Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N - Creates a new layer
Type D and it goes to your defaults (ie black and white color)

Cntrl-Shift-J when text box is selected justifies text

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on tutorials for PSE? I am trying to organize a good list of them to reference. I would love peoples comments about this.

Misty Cato's tutorials she gives really good instructions :-)


My first post

Hi Everyone! This is my first post of my first blog ever! I am creating this blog because I have just started with digital scrapbooking a little bit ago. Before digital scrapbooking I was a paper scrapbooking and after discovering the world of digital I am totally converted. I love the portability of the whole thing. Along with digital scrapbooking I am a mom of two lovely girls an it is nice to pick up and put down the scrapbooking as needed.

Anyways as I ramble along I thought I would create a blog so I could put thing I learn and blogs that I have discovered in one spot for me and others. I would love to hear what others have learned of if they have recommendations on anything. I currently use PSE 5 for digital scrapbooking and have been printing out 12x12 layouts through Costco and I put them in my book :-)

Anyways Im on to setup the rest of my blog :-)